falvey memorial library ~ post by alexandra edwards:
“le théatre gives a fascinating glimpse into french cultural life during this highly artistic time period ~ the magazine covered the world of french theatre and dance in-depth, and provides an intriguing primary-source look into stage conventions, costuming, set design, and theatrical celebrity ~ of particular historic interest are the articles on loïe fuller, the american dance sensation with no formal training who is now credited as a pioneer of modern dance as well as theatrical lighting... several issues of le théatre mention fuller, either in reference to the dancer herself, or to the style of dance she created, which was subsequently picked up by other performers... subsequent issues of le théatre profile ‘le théâtre de la loïe fuller’ (august 11, 1900), as well as japanese dancer sada yacco, who worked closely with fuller after the paris exposition universelle in 1900 (october 11, 1900)... seeing fuller’s work documented in le théatre emphasizes both her importance in the history of dance and the necessity of preserving historical primary-source materials.”
the above images were scanned in and restored from hard copies of the magazine, but you can find information and downloads at villanova university:
article: https://blog.library.villanova.edu/2011/05/31/exploring-french-theatre-at-the-turn-of-the-20th-century/
images: https://digital.library.villanova.edu/Item/vudl:47598