the persistent voice
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magazine covers from the masses & liberator magazines
tamiment library & robert f. wagner labor archives at new york university:
“the masses, a richly illustrated radical magazine, was published monthly in new york from 1911 until 1917, when it was suppressed by the government for its anti-war and anti-government perspective ~ the masses blended art and politics and included fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and illustrations by many of the leading radical figures of the day ~ the digital edition reproduces the holdings of the tamiment library & robert f. wagner labor archives at new york university ~ to contact the library, please email”
“the liberator, arguably the greatest radical magazine ever produced in america, began in the spring of 1918 as a successor to the new york left wing political, artistic, and literary magazine, the masses, which had been effectively terminated by postal censorship and justice department prosecution during world war i ~ masses editor max eastman and his sister crystal... determined to carry forward the masses project in new clothes... the change of name did not mean a change of political orientation, however ~ as with the masses, the liberator continued to support various tendencies of the socialist movement, gradualist to revolutionary...”
source urls:
the masses source page:
liberator source page: